The Booty Report

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"Arrr, kin o’ the poor lad cut down in the West Bank be callin’ fer a fair treasure hunt o’ truth!"


Arrr! With landlubbers and officials pointin’ fingers at them Israeli sea dogs firin’ the deadly cannonballs, the kin be sayin’, “An Israeli inquiry be naught but a fish tale!” Aye, they be needin’ a proper court of the high seas for this ruckus!

Arrr, gather 'round me hearties, for a tale of tempestuous tides and treacherous claims! In a far-off land where the sun blazes bright and the sands be fickle, a family be raisin' their voices like a crew of rowdy buccaneers! Aye, they be accusin' the Israeli lads of firin' the fateful shots that sent a poor soul to Davy Jones' locker.

The claims be spillin' from the lips of witnesses and local officials, like grog from a leaky barrel, shoutin' that a mere Israeli investigation be as useful as a parrot with no feathers! "Nay, that won't do!" they bellow in unison, demandin' somethin' more substantial than a ship's biscuit for the truth!

With a spirit as fierce as a cannon blast, the kinfolk be callin' into question the very honor of those who be wearin' uniforms. They be likin' it to askin' the captain if he be stealin' treasure while sittin' atop a pile of loot!

So, hoist the sails of scrutiny and let the winds of justice blow! For in this saga of accusations and investigations, it be clear that the crew of the wronged shall not rest till the truth be unveiled, lest they end up as lost souls on the sea of forgotten tales!

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