"Arrr! Salmonella be a scallywag, makin' the fine Wisconsin egg hoard walk the plank!"
Arrr, mateys! Word from the landlubbers be that 65 souls across nine states be stricken by a foul plague from an egg farm! Fear not, for no scallywags have met Davy Jones yet. Just a jolly ol’ scramble of trouble, I say! Avast, keep yer eggs close!
Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a peculiar outbreak that be makin' waves across these fair lands! Aye, it seems that a ruckus brewed when 65 scallywags from nine states found themselves afflicted, and all signs point to a dastardly egg farm as the culprit! Aye, those eggs be causin' quite the conundrum!