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Arrr, me hearties! Voters say Kamala be a wilder wave than Trump—too much rum in her politics, they say!


Arrr! In a jolly poll from the New York Times and Sienna College, landlubbers be sayin' that Vice President Harris be sailin' too far to the left, while ol' Trump be just a wee bit too right! Blimey, what a tempest of opinions on the high seas of politics!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as we set sail on the turbulent seas of politics! A recent poll from the New York Times be showin' that more landlubbers reckon Vice President Kamala Harris be "too liberal or progressive" for their likin', compared to those who think ol' Captain Trump be "too conservative." Arrr, the numbers be tight, with Trump holdin' a slim lead of 48% to Harris' 47%!

The scallywags surveyed found that nearly half o' them think Harris be sailin' too far to the left, while most see Trump as a more balanced captain on the tumultuous waves of policy waters. Aye, it seems that ol' Trump’s reputation as a centrist—a cheeky advantage, if ye ask me—might be keepin' him afloat!

But hark! Not all be smooth sailin’ for Harris, as 28% o' voters claim they need more info 'fore settin’ their sails with her. Meanwhile, ol' Trump be holdin' his ground, with a mere 9% seekin' more about his misadventures. As Harris avoids the media like a kraken, the winds o' change be blowin', and the election tide be risin'! So grab yer grog and hold on tight, for this political storm be far from over!

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