The Booty Report

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"Harrisin’ be makin' waves, challengin' ol' Biden to keep up while we sail into wild debates, arrr!"


Arrr, at the grand debate on Tuesday, our fair Vice Captain Kamala be hopin’ to hoist her sails as the winds of change blow, yet she be tiptoein’ 'round the old captain Biden, whom she be servin’ aboard this ship for many a moon! Aye, a tricky course indeed!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ‘round, fer I’ve a tale from the high seas of politics! On the morrow’s grand debate, the fair lady Kamala Harris, the vice president of the realm, be settin’ sail upon a challenge most curious. She aims to present herself as the beacon of change, a true captain of the ship, without so much as a word against her venerable captain, President Biden, with whom she hath sailed these many moons.

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