The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump and Harris be ready t' clash like scallywags in a presidential squabble, aye! What a ruckus awaits!


Avast, me hearties! Snag yerself the tales ye be needin’ from the mightiest name in the news seas, all ready to set sail in yer inbox at the crack o’ dawn! Don’t be missin’ out, lest ye be walkin’ the plank of ignorance! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer the grand spectacle that be the presidential debate, settin' sail at the stroke of eight bells! Aye, tune in to Fox News as we catch the ruckus 'twixt Kamala Harris and that ole sea dog, Donald Trump! But beware, me mateys, for a surprise 'mute' button be thrown into the mix, causin' Harris's crew to scramble like scallywags on a sinking ship! Follow fer more updates!

Now, the winds be shiftin' in the polls, with one candidate's chances risin' faster than a ship's sails in a storm! And in other news, residents of a wee town be raisin' a ruckus over a horde o' migrants takin' over their fair land. Meanwhile, a manhunt be afoot lookin' fer a suspicious knave who be causin' trouble on the highways! Aye, click here for full tales!

In this wild world, a dolphin player be spillin' the beans after gettin' caught up in a right pickle, and a gallant debate awaits us with stakes higher than a crow's nest! So hoist yer flags and prepare to witness a clash of titans, lest ye be left in the wake of the waves! Arrr!

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