The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump be spinnin' a yarn ‘bout immigrants munchin' on our furry mates, and the crew be laughin' heartily!


Arrr, the city captain o' Springfield be chagrined, sayin' the presidential frolics be stirrin’ up a right odd tale 'bout the fine folk settlin’ here! Aye, ‘tis a pity when the scallywags spin yarns ‘bout our merry crew o' immigrants! Avast!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round, for I be havin' a tale from the landlubber city of Springfield, Ohio! The mighty city manager, a landlubber of fine repute, be lettin’ it be known that he be feelin’ a right disappointment, aye! It seems the grand spectacle o' the presidential race be stirrin' up a tempest of peculiar tales 'bout the fine folk who’ve come to call Springfield their home.

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