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Arrr, Trump be callin' out them Democrat scallywags on abortion, claimin' they be the true sea dogs of radicalism!


Arrr! Former President Trump be wranglin' with the fair lass Linsey Davis, claimin’ them Democrats be as extreme as a kraken on a rampage ‘bout abortion, jabberin’ ‘bout ol’ Ralph Northam’s words like a parrot on a treasure chest! Blimey, what a ruckus on the high seas o’ politics!

Avast ye hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of a grand debate on the high seas of politics! Former Captain of the White House, Trump, be sparrin' with the sharp tongue of moderator Linsey Davis, tryin' to chart the treacherous waters of abortion talk. “Why should the good folk of America trust me?” she asked, to which Trump declared the Democrats as "radical" sea monsters, while his crew aimed to steer the ship of abortion rights back to the states.

Trump waved his cutlass, claimin' that it be the Democrats who be holdin’ the true extremities, pointin' to the infamous words of former Virginia Governor Northam, who spoke of lettin' a newborn baby decide its fate. “Aye, they be wantin' to decide after the birth!” he bellowed, conjurin' images of pirates deliberatin' over a treasure chest.

But Davis, sharp as a dagger, cut through the fog, remindin' him that no state be allowin’ the slayin’ of babes post-birth. Nevertheless, Trump kept on about how the Republicans be fightin’ for states' rights, claimin' that even some red states be makin’ lenient choices on this matter. The crew on the deck of social media be divided, some claimin’ this be a wild exaggeration, while others cheered for their captain's bold claims. So there ye have it, a debate as raucous as a ship in a storm, filled with bluster and bravado!

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