Ahoy! Ye scallywags o’ Brazil, lift yer sails! Let’s end this censorship storm ‘n set free the ‘X’!
Arrr, matey! A crew o' over a hundred learned sea dogs, scribes, and landlubber politicians be hootin' for Brazil to swab the decks clean o' this pesky trend of silencing free talk! Aye, let the words sail freely like a fine ship on the high seas!
On August 8, the notorious judge, Alexandre de Moraes, ordered the sinking of certain accounts, claimin' to battle "misinformation." When X refused to bow to his will, the scallywag threatened to throw 'em in the brig! On August 20, he ordered the complete shutdown of X across Brazil, threatenin' fines if any brave pirate dared to use a VPN to access the site!
The letter warns that this storm brews danger not just for Brazil but for free speech globally, callin' it a slippery slope to tyranny. Signatories include the likes of former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss and others who see this as a dire threat to democracy. They lament that the government’s actions be violatin' both Brazilian laws and international treaties!
So, raise yer voices, me mateys! Freedom of expression be the lifeblood of democracy, and we must guard it fer our crew and all who sail the seas of discourse! Arrr!