The Booty Report

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Arrr! Harris be callin' Trump to a duel o' words whilst she be rallyin' in the Carolinas, matey!


Avast, me hearties! At her grand gathering since this week's squabble, the vice president proclaimed, "We be beholden to the scallywags who vote!" But lo and behold, mere moments prior, ol' Trump declared he be shunning another duel! A right jolly jest, I say!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round and lend me yer good ear! ‘Twas a grand spectacle on the high seas of politics, where the fair vice president, with all the pomp of a ship's captain, declared, “We owe it to the voters!” Aye, she be callin' for another debate, as if it be a treasure map leadin' to the hearts of the people.

But lo and behold, just an hour prior, the notorious Donald Trump, that scallywag of a landlubber, swore an oath on his finest gold doubloons that he’d not be joinin’ the fray. “Nay!” he bellowed, like a stormy sea threatenin’ to capsize a ship. It seems the winds of the political seas be blowin’ in contrary directions, with one eager to set sail and the other hidin’ in the hull, afraid of the cannon fire of debate!

What a merry time it be, watchin’ these land-bound buccaneers tryin’ to outwit each other! The vice president be all about keepin’ the ship afloat while Trump be lookin’ to scuttle the whole endeavor! So raise yer tankards, me hearties, for the jests and jibes of this political drama be entertainin’ as a barrel o’ rum on a moonlit night!

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