The Booty Report

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"Blundering landlubbers misjudged the Trump-Harris squabble, and now the seas be clearer than a treasure map!"


Arrr matey! Half o’ the landlubbers be thinkin’ a scurvy crew be pullin’ their strings! That ABC News circus just be givin’ ‘em cannon-fire proof o’ their notions, aye! The doubloons of truth be buried deep, but these pirates be diggin’ it up, savvy?

Arrr matey! The dust be settlin' from the first high seas debate 'twixt Captain Trump and the fair Vice Captain Harris. Alas, the landlubbers in their fine suits seem blind to how poorly Harris fared in this verbal skirmish, ‘tis a wonder! While the ABC crew might’ve thought they were the finest navigators, they were more like barnacles, clingy and dishonest, assistin' Harris in her scuttle against Trump.

The crew of Trump’s ship, a hearty 48% of the American folk, be seein' the truth of it all—a corrupt establishment tryin' to outsmart ‘em. As I sailed through the airports, I heard many a sailor grumbling about the tricks of ABC and the faces Harris made, lookin' like a pampered swab rather than a leader! The elites be favorin' their fancy cocktails over raw truth, but the common folk can smell a rat from a mile away.

Harris, in her attempts to deceive, only sank her own ship further, tryin' to hide the fact that she can’t speak straight without her consultants whisperin’ in her ear. But lo, President Trump, he be the real deal, never hidin' who he be! The American people know—authenticity win the day, while the tricks of the elite be cast aside like a broken compass!

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