The Booty Report

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Arrr! Clint Eastwood be the rum that filled me quill, inspirin’ this scallywag to scribble ‘Reagan’ for the silver screen!


Arrr, I toiled many a moon penning me tale of Captain Ronald Reagan! But lo, Clint Eastwood, that scallywag, whispered sage words to me, and blimey, they be as akin to the captain's own ramblings! Aye, 'tis a right merry jest, I say!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale of one Clint Eastwood, the legendary captain of the silver screen, who shared a nugget of wisdom with this humble scribe whilst craftin’ a script for "Space Cowboys" in the year of our Lord, 1999. "Find the best crew, give ‘em a quest, and then let ‘em sail!" he be tellin’ me, like a true master of the seas!

Now, this advice be not unlike that of another sea-faring figure, Ronald Reagan, who once quipped, “There be no limit to what a man can achieve if he don’t care who takes the credit!” Aye, twenty-five years later, I found meself writin’ a tale about this very captain, where Dennis Quaid be bringin’ ol’ Ronnie back to life on the silver screen!

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