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Arrr, matey! I be not fallin' fer that 'hate speech' trickery, an' ye best steer clear of it too!


Arrr, matey! We be never lettin' the treasure o' free speech be buried or compromised, lest we find ourselves walkin' the plank! 'Tis the mightiest power a scallywag could wield, better than a chest o' gold! Speak yer mind, or ye be a landlubber!

Avast ye scallywags! Gather 'round and lend an ear to a tale of free speech 'n the high seas of politics! Tim Walz, a matey of Kamala Harris, be squawkin' about the absence of guarantees for free speech, particularly when it comes to "hate speech." But blow me down! The Supreme Court be protectin' even the most vile of words under that grand ol' First Amendment! Aye, it be a raucous right that allows scallywags to call out the wrongs of society, even if 'tis most unseemly!

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