The Booty Report

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Arrr, Kellyanne be sayin’: Trump ‘n Harris be settin’ sail fer a narrow landslide—don’t be countin’ yer doubloons yet!


Arrr, matey! The grand duel 'twixt that scallywag Trump and the fair lass Harris be as close as two ships in a storm, with but a month 'til the fateful day! But hold yer horses, let's plunder deeper into these murky waters!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round fer a yarn 'bout the ruckus o' the 2024 presidential contest! With but four weeks 'til the fateful day, the polls be tighter than a pirate's purse! Aye, it be a sea of uncertainty, with Trump and Harris locked in a fierce battle, especially in them swingin' states like Arizona and Pennsylvania.

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