Arrr, on the high seas o' politics, Vance be chased by pesky queries 'bout Trump’s grand shipwreck in twenty-twenty!
Arrr, whilst gabbin' at a bastion o' battlewagons in Johnstown, the scallywag Senator JD Vance from Ohio be likin' to swab the deck o' reality, turnin' a blind eye to Trump bein' down for the count in the 2020 rumble! Avast, me hearty, denial be a fine ship to sail!
Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the shores of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where the winds of politics be blowin’ fierce! Our gallant Senator JD Vance, a fine lad from Ohio, took to the decks of a factory churnin’ out mighty military vessels. But what be the matter, ye ask? The scallywag refused to hoist the flag of defeat for the former captain of the ship, one Donald J. Trump, in the grand battle of the 2020 election!