The Booty Report

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Arrr! Biden be callin' a storm in Milton before settin' sail fer Florida, me hearties! What a scallywag!


Arrr, mateys! On the morrow, the cap'n o' the land be settin’ sail to visit towns battered by the stormy beast, Hurricane Milton! With a mighty declaration, treasure shall flow to mend what’s been scuttled! Hoist the sails and guard yer doubloons!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, for I be havin' news from the high seas of political seas! This Sunday, the cap’n of the land, known as the president, be settin' sail to visit them poor souls who be sufferin' from the mighty blow of Hurricane Milton—aye, the tempest that raged like a scallywag in a tavern brawl!

With a declaration of disaster, the state be ready to unleash the treasure chests filled with gold doubloons, meant to help rebuild the communities that be as battered as a ship in a squall. Arrr, the funds be flowin' like rum at a pirate’s feast! They’ll be fixin’ roofs, mendin’ fences, and probably even wranglin’ lost parrots back to their rightful perches.

So, mark yer calendars, ye landlubbers! This grand visit be not just a chance for the president to show his fine face, but also to bestow a goodly bounty upon those in need. Let’s hope he don’t eat all the provisions before he gets there, else he’ll be swimmin’ with Davy Jones! A toast to recovery, me mateys, and may the winds of fortune blow favorably upon those in want!

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