The Booty Report

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Arrr, Kamala be hittin' the chapel, a fine October surprise, and more jests from the Fox News crew, matey!


Avast, ye scallywags! Feast yer eyes on the freshest tales from the Fox News treasure chest! Set sail on a merry voyage with Sean Hannity and Raymond Arroyo, and let the jests and jigs abound! Arrr, don’t let the wind blow ye away from the fun!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of the high seas of politics! Our trusty Fox News host, Hannity, be claimin' that Vice President Kamala Harris be hidin' like a scallywag in a sea of troubles! Aye, it seems the lass be dodgin' the limelight like a ship in a storm.

Then we have ol’ Hugh Hewitt, who be reportin' that Kamala ventured to church! Aye, perhaps seekin’ guidance from Davy Jones himself, eh? Meanwhile, the dark belly of Hollywood be spillin’ its secrets like rum from a busted cask, causin' a ruckus amongst the landlubbers.

Gutfeld warns the lads not to let fancy actors or them high-falutin' Martha's Vineyard gents steer their votes. Aye, stick to yer cannons and charts! And let’s not forget the FBI’s shady dealings with Hunter Biden, which sound more tangled than a shipwrecked sailor's net.

With the presidential election loomin' like a storm cloud on the horizon, folks be wonderin’ why Kamala can’t seem to chart her own course. So, hoist the anchor and prepare for a wild ride through the tumultuous waters of politics, where the only certainty be more confounded questions and a cartoon or two to lighten the mood! Yarrr!

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