The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump be hoistin' the Jolly Roger fer the workers! Us Teamsters reckon he’ll sail the same course again!


Arrr, matey! Trump be havin' the Teamsters so bewitched they be sittin' this one out! But the hearty crew know well how the ol' captain stood by 'em in his first voyage. Aye, they be loyal to the end, even if the parley be a bit wobbly!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the Democrat crew who’ve sailed the seas o' labor rights. Built upon the backs of hard-swin’ unionists, they’ve fought fer fair wages, 40-hour weeks, and such fine treasures as Social Security and health insurance. Yet, these scallywags be takin’ us for granted, claimin' to support the union, while lettin’ their ship sink in a sea of corporate greed! Arrr!

They turn a blind eye to us troubles: the high costs makin' it hard to fill yer bellies, endless waves of foreign workers takin' our jobs, and trade deals that’ve sent our manufacturin’ treasures to distant shores. But nay more! The mighty Teamsters, once loyal to these Democrats, have tossed their endorsement overboard, choosin’ instead to hoist the sails with Donald Trump!

With Harris blowin’ hot air while favorin’ the wealthy, we reckon Trump be a man of action. He slashed that rotten NAFTA and steered us into fairer waters with the USMCA. Under his watch, wages soared and jobs flourished! Harris, on the other hand, inherited a bounty and turned it into a deficit, all while weighin’ down the middle-class with burdensome taxes! So, me hearties, when it comes to trustin’ these politicians, we hoist our flags for Trump, for he be the captain who’ll steer us true! Arrr!

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