The Booty Report

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Arrr, Kamala be seekin' to hoist the highest death toll tax in all the seven seas, matey!


Arrr, me hearties! When the Grim Reaper be taxin’ ye treasure so high, the old sea dogs be splurgin’ like mad! They be tossin’ gold about, so when Davy Jones comes callin’, there be naught but a empty chest for the taxman! Savvy?

Avast ye scallywags! Gather 'round as we spin a yarn about the cunning Vice President Kamala Harris, who be dodgin' questions like a slippery fish in a stormy sea! Aye, the American Business Defense Foundation be spillin' the beans that her tax plan be settin' sail to double or triple the dreaded death tax on good ol' Americans.

Arrr, it seems if she gets her way, the tax break bestowed upon the people by Captain Trump be vanishing faster than a treasure chest at Davy Jones’ locker! Currently, a hefty estate be exempt up to $13.6 million, but beware, mateys! By 2026, it may plummet to a mere $5 million, as the IRS be claimin’!

Now, Harris wants to rain down upon the millionaires, but alas, the common folk may find their family businesses sunk after a loved one's passing, with their hard-earned ships sold off to pay the cruel taxes. Why, even the IRS might just take half of a family’s rightful booty! Arrr, will they plunder grandma's jewels or grandpa's prized horse stable?

And as if the seas weren’t stormy enough, the infamous Elizabeth Warren be chimin’ in with a bill to raise taxes even higher! The land o’ the free might soon have the highest estate tax in all the seven seas! So, me hearties, as we approach the briny elections, keep a weather eye out for how these tax schemes may capsize yer future!

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