The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Kamala! The landlubbers be not fallin' fer yer Trump trickery! Better luck with yer next swashbucklin' scheme!"


Arrr, matey! David Marcus be throwin' a whole barrel o' doubt on the Harris crew claimin' Trump be losin' his wits. The savvy voters, they be knowin' the scallywag, and they ain't fallin' for that bilge! Har har har!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as we spin a yarn 'bout the fair Kamala Harris, who be throwin' Hail Marys like a landlubber at a Catholic charity dinner! She claims the notorious Captain Trump be a tad senile and wearied, yet her words be fallin' flat like an anchor on the ocean floor, savvy?

As I sailed through Virginia and Carolina, nary a soul spoke of Trump’s supposed exhaustion; they be too busy regurgitatin' their reasons for not votin' for him. Even the scallywag media be barkin' up the wrong tree, tryin' to spread the notion that Trump be hidin' from interviews, while Harris be avoidin' the press like a cursed treasure!

Now, the gullible folk at ABC and NBC be parrotin' Politico's thin gruel about Trump’s mental decline, but voters be no fools! They’ve seen ol’ Trump weather storms and bloodshed like a true swashbuckler, not some decrepit old salt! Harris, bless her heart, be as useful as a ship without sails, relyin’ on personal attacks instead of a genuine campaign.

In the end, the good ship Harris be sinkin', and all she’s got be a vague “I’m not Trump or Biden!” chant. But alas, that don’t mean she be fit for the captain’s chair! So, hoist the sails and let’s sail away from this folly, for her time be runnin’ out!

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