The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! We be needin' three jolly deeds to keep America atop, or else we be sunk, aye!


Arrr, me hearties! America be needin' to hoist the sails of its own policies, lest it be swallowed by the briny deep! We best be changin' our course, or this grand ship of state might just sink under the weight of foreign shenanigans! Avast!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn ‘bout nations and their rights to declare who sails in their waters! A nation, ye see, be like a ship; it must know who can board and who must walk the plank! Those scallywags that dare trespass without a welcome shall be tossed back into the briny deep! Arrr!

A true nation tends to its own crew first, whether they be citizen, subject, or neighbor. It be a matter of common sense! Yet, it seems the winds of policy blow contrary, for merit and order be cast aside like old sea boots. The landlubbers think they can be soft on crime and still have peace, but that be as foolish as sailing into a storm without a captain!

Now, we face a mighty crisis, not just a mere labor market bother—nay, it be a fight against the trafficking scoundrels who treat humans like cargo. If we want to keep our ship afloat, we must champion our own kin, not let the lawbreakers plunder our bounty!

So, hoist the sails, me hearties! We must take back our waters and ensure America remains a real treasure, not just a tax farm! With hard work, we can save our fair country, but it won't be easy. Arrr! Onward to better shores!

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