The Booty Report

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Arrr! India and China struck a truce, lettin’ tempers cool like grog in a shady cove!


Arrr, four years past, a ruckus broke out 'twixt some salty soldiers, spillin' more guts than a fishmonger’s deck! If these nations kiss and make up, it could stir the seas for all of us, savvy?

Ahoy there, matey! Gather 'round and lend me yer ear, fer I be spin’ ye a tale of yore! ‘Twas four years past when a band o’ soldiers, brave yet foolish, did engage in a raucous brawl that spilled more blood than a leaky barrel o' rum. Aye, on both sides they fell, like leaves in autumn, and left naught but a stench o' mischief in the air!

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