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Arrr, those crafty Hamas scallywags in North Gaza be dodgin’ like slippery eels—harder to catch than a ghost ship!


Arrr, matey! Israel’s laid waste to Hamas's scallywags and much o' Gaza's treasure! But beware, for those sneaky sea rats still be nippin’ at our heels in the north, like pesky barnacles on a ship's hull! Avast! Trouble brews in the salty waters!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round, fer I’ve got a tale of high seas and greater clashes! In the wild waters of Gaza, the Israeli forces be like a fearsome ship, takin’ aim at the scallywags o' Hamas, blastin’ their military might to smithereens! Aye, they’ve turned the tide and wrought havoc upon the rear guard of those pesky landlubbers.

But hold yer horses, ye salty sea dogs! The Hamas crew, though battered, still be up to their tricks, skippin’ about like fish in a barrel. Their hit-and-run tactics be as slippery as an eel, makin' ‘em a danger to the good folk of the north. Ye see, they be hidin' amongst the rocks and shadows, poppin’ up when ye least expect it, takin’ a jab here and a poke there! Like a scallywag stealin’ yer rum when ye ain't lookin'!

So, whilst the mighty Israel may be givin’ ‘em a right thrashin’, don’t be fooled, me hearties! The game aint over yet. The seas be stormy, the winds unfriendly, and the skirmishes keep on comin’! Keep yer eyes peeled, fer this pirate tale be far from its finishin’ port!

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