The Booty Report

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"Arrr, which scallywag from the Republican crew be hopin' to board the Harris ship? We be askin' the tavern!"


Arrr, in a message sent swift as a cannonball, Mitt be scoffin’ at the notion! John Bolton be sayin’ his chances be “substantially less than zero,” as if they be swimmin’ with the fishies! And Liz Cheney? She be quieter than a ghost ship in the fog!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be sharin’ a tale from the land of politics, where the winds be blowin' fierce and the seas be rough! It seems ol' Mitt Romney, that landlubber of a senator, be soundin' like a scallywag who lost his treasure map. In a message sent quicker than a cannonball, he cast a gloomy shadow on the grand idea at hand, like a thundercloud o' despair hoverin' over a shipwrecked crew!

Then ye have John Bolton, a foul-mouthed parrot of a feller, squawkin' that the chances of success be “substantially less than zero!” Aye, that be a mighty bold claim, akin to sayin' a kraken can't swim! One might wonder if he be lookin' through a spyglass made of a barnacle-covered rum bottle, seein' naught but the bottom of Davy Jones’ locker!

And what of Liz Cheney, ye ask? That lass be as quiet as a mouse in a cheese factory, not lettin’ a whisper slip through her lips. It seems she be playin' her cards close to her chest, perhaps awaitin' fer the right moment to unleash her own cannonade! So here we be, in this jolly roger of a political tempest, wonderin' who be the true captain of this ship o' dreams! Yarrr!

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