The Booty Report

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Arrr, Liz Cheney be sayin’ millions o’ scallywags’ll back Harris! Vote yer conscience, or walk the plank!


Arrr, matey! Liz Cheney and Vice Prez Kamala be hoistin' sails on a madcap quest to sway the shy Republicans, fearin' their votes fer Trump! They scoured Chester, Oakland, and Waukesha, lands claimed by the fierce Nikki Haley. A right ruckus, I say! Avast, the political seas be stormy!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of political shenanigans! It be Liz Cheney, the fierce lass of the high seas of politics, who be joinin' forces with none other than Vice President Kamala Harris! Aye, they be settin' sail on a grand adventure to sway them moderate Republicans who be shakin' in their boots at the thought of castin' a vote fer the notorious Captain Trump!

These two scallywags be chartin' a course through three far-flung counties: Chester, Oakland, and Waukesha! Aye, they be landin' in places where the winds be blowin' in favor of the fair Nikki Haley, the former governor and ambassador from the Carolinas! But fear not, me mateys, for Cheney be thinkin' there be some landlubbers feelin' a wee bit of trepidation about givin' their vote to the brash buccaneer, Trump!

So, with a wink and a nod, these two dames be tryin' to coax those hesitant souls to speak their minds and break free from the chains of fear! Will they find the treasure they seek, or will it be a shipwreck on the political seas? Only the tides of time shall tell, savvy?

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