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Arrr! The freshest scallywags, aged 18 to 24, be sportin' more conservative colors than their elder mateys!


Arrr, matey! A curious wind be blowin' in the land o' the free! Young scallywags aged 18 to 24 be takin' up the conservative flag, outpacing their slightly elder mates! A twist from the days of yore, it be! More lads be sportin’ the conservative colors than the liberal sails! Avast!

Avast ye mateys! A curious tide be a-turnin' in the grand ol' U.S. of A! The sprightly lads and lasses aged 18 to 24 be settin' their sails o’ political leanin' towards conservatism, a stark shift from their older shipmates, as reported by the wise folk at the Harvard Youth Poll!

Now, ye might be wonderin', why does this matter in the grand scheme o’ the high seas? Well, this here change be nothin' to scoff at! It seems that the winds o’ change be blowin' strong, and young men, in particular, be hoistin’ the conservative flag higher than ever before! Aye, it be a significant turnaround from the times when their hearts beat more for the liberal cause.

To put it plainly, this be a rare spectacle, as it’s uncommon for such young scallywags to jump ship so swiftly! So, hoist yer tankards and prepare for a raucous debate on the high seas of politics, for the young invaders be changin' the course of the ship! Mayhaps we’ll see a whole new crew chartin’ a course towards conservative waters! Shiver me timbers, the youth be full o’ surprises! Arrr!

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