The Booty Report

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Arrr, the FBI thinks a scallywag inside the crew spilled the beans 'bout Israel, not a sneaky hackin'!


Arrr, matey! The landlubbers of the FBI and Defense be in a right tizzy, tryin' to find out how two secret scrolls ‘bout Israel’s plans fer a rumble with Iran washed up on a Telegram channel! Even ol’ Biden be lookin' as worried as a cat in a dogfight! Avast!

Avast ye scallywags! The fine folk at the FBI and the Department of Defense be in quite a tizzy, fer it seems two highly classified scrolls on Israel’s plans fer rainin’ fire down upon Iran have found their way to a raucous Telegram tavern in the Middle East. Aye, this be no ordinary leak; it be a breach so grave it could make a hardened pirate shiver in his boots!

The White House be shakin’ in its boots as well, claimin’ that Captain Biden himself be "deeply concerned" about this treacherous turn of events. They be searchin' high and low, like a crew lookin’ fer buried treasure, to uncover the scallywag responsible for lettin’ such secrets slip through their fingers. The investigation be hotter than a cannonball fresh from the forge, with all hands on deck in the hunt fer who had the keys to the treasure chest of classified knowledge.

So raise yer tankards, me hearties, and let us toast to the bumblin’ buccaneers of bureaucracy who be tryin’ to patch their ship before it sinks. Mayhaps next time, they’ll guard their secrets better than a pirate guards his gold! Arrr!

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