The Booty Report

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Arrr, the media be servin' up a burger o' nonsense, claimin' Kamala deserves a break, but we know better!


Arrr, matey! McDonald's yarn be tellin' us that whatever Captain Harris blabs, be taken as the holy word! And any scallywag who dares to jabber against her be thought a knave or a landlubber! A right ruckus, I say! Savvy?

Arrr, the media be servin' up a burger o' nonsense, claimin' Kamala deserves a break, but we know better!

Arrr, mateys! The high seas of politics be churned by the clashin’ words o’ two scallywags: Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, fightin' over whether the fair Harris ever donned the golden arches o’ McDonald’s whilst she be a college lass. Aye, the media be readyin' their cannons, declarin’ that if Harris claims the captain’s chair, every utterance be treated as truth, with any dissenters branded as scurvy dogs!

Trump, in a cunning jest, be workin’ at a McDonald’s himself to poke fun at the hullabaloo, while the New York Times be searchin’ for evidence of Harris’s fast-food past, but alas, found naught! They cried foul, claimin’ Trump’s doubts be a dastardly plot, just because she be a lass! Aye, when did candidates become immune to the scrutiny o’ their youthful antics?

The Times bemoaned the darkness ‘round Harris’s claims, hintin’ she’d not mentioned her burger-flippin’ days till years later. Even Snopes, that curious sea creature, found no proof o’ her employment, yet they still cast their nets to defend her! So, as the waves crash, one wonders if Harris be holdin’ a treasure map to her past, or if she be merely hidin’ her McDonald’s secrets behind a veil o' silence!

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