The Booty Report

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Arrr, I be at Trump’s grand shindig at Madison’s Square Garden, and the lefty scribes be missin' the boat!


Avast, matey! What me peepers beheld and me ears did catch at yon Trump rally be naught like what the landlubber scribes be spoutin’! Aye, 'twas a hullabaloo far different from their tales! Arrr, I promise ye, 'tis a jest worthy of Davy Jones himself!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with me escapades at the Trump rally at Madison Square Garden! Aye, the tales spun by the mainstream scallywags be far from what I witnessed meself! Instead of a den of despair, I found a crew of jolly mates chantin’ "USA! USA!" till me ears rang like a ship’s bell in a storm!

Now, some landlubbers claim there be a sea of hate, but I reckon it be a matter o’ perspective! Like two ships passin’ in the night, one crew saw joy whilst the other be wallowin’ in gloom. 'Tis called confirmation bias, savvy? If ye be searchin’ for trouble, ye shall find it, but seekin' hope? Well, that treasure be there too!

Sure, there were dark clouds on the horizon, with some jesters makin’ foolish jests, but the overall spirit was one o’ hope and patriotism, I tell ye! Trump be a captain who rallies his crew, not with scorn, but with dreams of grandeur and a fight against the elite. He raises questions ‘bout the state of our ship, challenge the norm, and offers solutions to steer us right!

So, me mateys, if ye be huntin' for hate, then that’s what ye’ll find! But if ye sail with a heart open to hope, ye just might find a treasure worth keepin’! Arrr!

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