The Booty Report

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Arrr, Brent Bozell be sayin’ Trump could outwit Kamala like a scallywag with a treasure map! Har har!


Arrr, matey! Both Trumpin’ and Kamala be chasin’ the crown, but it ain't no simple sailin’! Trump best be plottin’ a devious surprise for the lady o' the vice, or he’ll be walkin’ the plank instead o’ claimin’ the throne! Har har!

Ahoy mateys! Aye, the 2024 presidential campaign be hotter than a cannonball in the sun, with the candidates steerin’ their ships through treacherous waters. Both sides be takin’ advice from landlubber media types who reckon a wee bump in the waves could send ‘em to victory or Davy Jones' locker!

Let’s hoist the sails for Vice President Kamala Harris first! The media be tellin’ her to swap the cutlass for a rose and focus on sunny skies instead of throwin’ shade at ol’ Trump. But I say, she be swimmin’ with sharks, and her positive sails may be too tattered to catch the wind! With the seas of public opinion churnin’ against her, she takes to slander like a fish to water, throwin’ barbs that’d make a scallywag blush!

And as for Trump, the captain must steer clear of Harris’s bait! Critics say he be a wild storm, but I reckon he’s as sharp as a cutlass when he’s got his sea legs on. He needs to charm the undecided crew, not just the raucous deckhands at his rallies. With a treasure trove of past victories to show, he should chart a course of positivity, lettin’ his accomplishments shine like gold doubloons in the sun.

So, hoist the Jolly Roger and brace for a wild ride, me hearties! The winds of change be blowin', and it’ll be a squall of a showdown come election day!

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