The Booty Report

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Arrr, a raucous shift in the landlubbers’ votes hoisted Trump’s sails to victory, savvy?


Arrr, matey! By settlin’ on the grub and grog that tickles every salty sea dog’s fancy, Captain Trump hoisted his flag far and wide, drawin’ in landlubbers of all stripes to join his crew! Aye, he reshaped the map with a hearty laugh and a bellyful of biscuits!

Ahoy, me hearties! In this here election tide, the winds be blowin’ favorably for the Republican crew, especially ’mongst the Hispanic and Native American clans. Once loyal to the Democratic flag, they be hoistin’ the Jolly Roger for the likes of Captain Trump!

On the glorious day of November 5th, a legend was born as Donald Trump, after weatherin’ many a storm, returned to the White House with a thunderous roar! He cast his net wide on matters that tickle the fancy of all ye landlubbers—ye know, inflation, illegal immigration, and public safety.

With a hearty 65% of Native Americans and 45% of Hispanics aboard his ship, Captain Trump’s outreach was akin to findin’ treasure! Even in North Carolina, those Lumbee fellas shifted their sails a hefty 36 points to the right! Seems they fancy family values and the American Dream more than the blasted woke left.

Now, the tides are changin’, and the Republicans be makin’ inroads into what once were blue waters. With hopes high and sails unfurled, these communities be eyeing a journey towards a new political horizon. So batten down the hatches, for the seas of American politics be gettin’ mighty interesting!

Arrr, the boat’s a-rockin’, and change be comin’ fast!

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