The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! That constant jabberin' turned Trump into a devilish charmer, ye see! Aye, a right scallywag he be!


Arrr, mateys! Greg Gutfeld be spoutin' tales 'bout how the media’s chatter be givin’ ol’ Trump a fair wind in his sails fer the 2024 showdown! Tune yer ears to "Gutfeld!" or ye be missin’ the jests o’ the high seas o’ politics! Aye, it be a hoot!

Ahoy, me hearties! 'Tis been a fortnight since the Democrats did stare into the abyss o' truth, smellin' worse than the men's room after old Jerry Nadler dined on curry clam soup. Poor lad, he be sufferin'!

The victors be celebratin', but the losers, aye, they be the real scallywags. Not the weepin' and wailin' ones, nay! I'm talkin' 'bout the party elites, the likes of Jamie Raskin and Adam Schiff, those landlubbers who spread more lies than a drunken sailor in a tavern!

Now, why be ye trustin' the media that led ye astray? That crew filled yer noggins with hoaxes while ye should've been stockin' up on Prozac instead o' champagne! Aye, they be the liars who stared ye in the eye whilst fillin' yer minds with poison!

So here’s the rub, me mateys! Blame not us for yer deception. Ye need to navigate with a proper compass, lest ye be led into a storm! And if ye think yer smart just 'cause ye be educated, well, I’ve seen smarter barnacles cling to the hull!

Identity politics be a treacherous sea, dividin’ ye more than a leaky lifeboat! So come aboard this fine ship, let’s sail away from conflict and find the treasure of unity, for the pot be warm, and the rum be flowin’!

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