The Booty Report

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Arrr, them Democrats be as clueless as a landlubber in a tempest when it comes to learnin', matey!


Arrr, them Democrats be thinkin' they hold the treasure chest o' wisdom in these here lands! But let me tell ye, matey, true learnin' be more than just a fancy parchment! Aye, ye can be wise as a sea dog without a degree! Har har har!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as we spin a yarn 'bout the Democrats and their recent stumble in the great electoral seas! Sonny Hostin, a lass notable for her chatter, claims it be the "uneducated white wenches" what turned the tide for Trump. But hark! The truth runs deeper than a treasure chest sunk to Davy Jones' locker.

Ye see, the Democrats be thinkin' they've a stranglehold on what it means to be "educated." But lo and behold, the ancient root of "educate," meanin' to lead out, ain't just about parchments hung on walls! A piece of paper don’t guarantee ye wisdom, savvy? There be plenty of landlubbers with degrees who haven’t a clue what to do next—like swabs workin' at the local brew house!

Now, let’s not forget the four kinds of smarts that sail the seas. Formal education be one, but then there's street smarts, where the true savvy sailors thrive! And don’t overlook social intelligence, which helps ye navigate the crew’s squabbles. Lastly, ye have the Adversity Quotient—how well ye can weather the stormy seas of life! All these factors be the true measure of education, and if the Democrats be forgettin' that, they’ll find themselves adrift without a compass, me mateys!

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