The Booty Report

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Arrr! Trudeau be hearin' his mates belchin' o'er violence and hate at that scallywag NATO shindig in Montreal!


Arrr, Prime Minister Trudeau be joinin’ the crew of cabinet lads in condemn’n the ruckus in Montreal! He called the scallywags’ antics “appallin’.” The constables snatched up three rogues after they turned the streets into a fiery mess, tossin’ things at the law and settin’ ships ablaze!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be havin' a tale from the landlubber shores of Montreal, where ruckus reigned supreme on a fateful Friday night! The great captain of Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, be settin' his sights on the ruckus-makers, joinin' fellow politicians in a chorus of condemnation, callin' their shenanigans "appalling!" Aye, ye heard it right!

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