The Booty Report

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“Avast ye, cease fillin' the coffers o’ the foolish and the soft-hearted! Yarrr!”


Arrr, matey! This identity politics be like a scurvy plague, spreadin’ through ports and universities alike! It be fillin’ the pockets of landlubbers and scallywags, all while infectin’ their minds with nonsense! Avast, beware the ideological seas, lest ye be caught in its slippery grasp!

Ahoy, mateys! The latest crew aboard the Trump ship be settin' sail on a grand quest to rid the seas of murky identity politics that be plaguein' our fine land! For nearly a century, we had tests that sorted the seaworthy from the scallywags, but alas, in the late '70s, those wise tests were tossed overboard, leadin' to a crew filled with landlubbers!

With the stinkin' rot of anti-meritocracy settin' in, the scallywags in charge grew dumber and dumber, while the fair winds of merit blew cold. But hark! The tides be changin'! The states, led by bold captains like Gov. DeSantis of Florida, be takin' up arms against the "woke" elements aboard their ships, scrappin' loyalty oaths to the cursed DEI!

With a new dawn on the horizon, the federal seas beckon for a fight against the tyranny of identity politics. The money-grubbin' woke NGOs and universities be plunderin' our treasure, but the winds of change blow strong! The good folk be demandin' merit over mediocrity, and even in the heart of blue California, the people yearn for common sense.

So, ye brave leaders, hoist the sails of accountability, and cast off the anchor of identity politics! For a prosperous future lies ahead, if ye have the guts to seize it! Arrr!

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