The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Will Trump’s gold-fevered tariffs make our coin purses feel lighter than a sailor’s last grog?


Arrr, mateys! Captain Trump be raisin’ the Jolly Roger on goods from Canada, Mexico, and China on his first day at the helm! A 25% toll on yer treasures, savvy? He be demandin’ those scallywags mend their ways, or face the wrath of his tarry tax! Aye, what a tall tale!

Arrr matey! Hear ye, hear ye! In the briny deep of political waters, one Donald Trump, the soon-to-be captain o' the U.S. ship, be settin' course fer a tempestuous sea of tariffs! Upon his first day in office, he be brandishin' a quill to sign an executive order, layin’ a hefty 25% tax on all goods steerin' in from the Great White North and jalapeño-laden Mexico. Aye, he be hopin’ this'll force them scallywags to mend their ways 'round illegal immigration and the smuggler's trade of nefarious substances!

But that be not all, me hearties! The same captain hath vowed to unleash a 10% tariff on the treasures comin' from the land of the dragon, China, until they cease their foul business o' fentanyl smuggling. By the beard of Neptune, it appears the good captain be not takin' kindly to any shady dealings! With his eye patch firmly set on these foreign lands, he be ready to hoist the sails against any who dare cross his path. Yarrr, 'tis a bold maneuver that promises a stormy sea ahead for trade and treasure! So, hoist yer flags, prepare yer ships, and keep a weathered eye on the horizon, for the pirate king of tariffs be at the helm!

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