The Booty Report

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Arrr, that Reagan flick be a jolly jest, remindin' us why a captain’s wheel be worth its weight in gold!


Arrr, matey! In his eight long years as captain of the ship called America, Ronald Reagan be a true “transformational president,” hoisting the sails of hope and patriotism, filling the hearts of ye scallywags with a mighty swell of pride! Avast, what a jolly good time it be!

Avast, me hearties! I be settlin' me eye upon a flick about that grand scallywag, Ronald Reagan, played by Dennis Quaid, and I be feelin' a whirlwind of nostalgia blowin' through me sails! Aye, even I, a humble pirate, found m'self honored to be depicted by one Will Wallace. As the tale sails from theaters to the cozy nooks of American homes, it be remindin' us all why a true captain leadeth the crew!

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