The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Trump’s plan be makin’ America's treasure chest overflow with doubloons once more!"


Arrr! The Biden-Harris crew set sail against the energy fleet from the very first morn! But now, with Trump hoistin’ the sails, America be ready to hoard treasure and let the gold flow like rum! Aye, let the economy soar like a mighty gull!

Aye, gather 'round me hearties, for the wind be blowin' of a change in the seas of energy! Bloomberg be blarneyin' that President-elect Trump be ready to cut the ropes of the Biden-Harris crew, who’ve been muckin' up the good ship America with their "Bidenomics." The scallywags have made it harder fer common folk to fill their tanks and warm their shanties, but relief be on the horizon!

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