The Booty Report

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Avast! Taiwan’s captain sails to East-West tavern, whilst China's scallywags grumble 'bout his jaunt to Hawaii, arrr!


Arrr, mateys! Taiwan’s captain, Lai Ching-te, swung by a fancy U.S. thinkin’ spot in Hawaii on his grand Pacific adventure, much to the chagrin of Beijing's scallywags. He be swappin’ trinkets with the East-West chief, but the journos got the ol' heave-ho! What a jolly hullabaloo!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of a daring venture in the fair lands of Hawaii! Our gallant captain, President Lai Ching-te of Taiwan, set sail to the shores of the U.S. for a grand visit to the fabled East-West Center, a place funded by the treasure of the State Department, no less! Aye, this be the second day of his escapade and the winds of controversy be blowin' from Beijing, like a tempest on the high seas!

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