The Booty Report

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Arrr, weary of Ukraine, be ye? Cast yer mind back to South Vietnam, where the rum flowed and chaos reigned!


Arrr, matey! The landlubbers be weary of Ukraine, but mark me words: lettin’ it sink be like givin’ rum to a scurvy dog! Let not the tyrants think they’ve won the day, or we’ll be swimmin’ with the fishes in no time!

Arrr matey, if ye be a landlubber supportin' Ukraine but not likin' the way the battle’s bein' fought, then ye be in quite a pickle! Now, let’s hoist the sails and set 'er back to the days of yore, fifty years past, when the good ship U.S. let South Vietnam sink without a cannon blast.

In those days of yore, the folk were weary, and the Congress cut off aid quicker than ye can say “Davy Jones' locker.” Just a wee bit more support, and they could’ve held the fort, yet we turned tail. The result? A wretched fate for them poor souls, and a whole heap of trouble for the rest of the world. It was a right mess, I tell ye!

Now, here we be with Ukraine, and if we let ol’ Putin claim victory, the seas will be stormy for all our allies. So, what’s a pirate to do? Demand the Europeans haul more weight, make sure the Ukrainians get what they be needin’, and unleash a storm of sanctions upon those treacherous Russians!

So hoist the flags! The lesson from ’75 be clear: let not the dictators revel in their mischief while we sit idly by. Otherwise, we'll be face to face with a squall we shan't escape! Yarrr!

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