The Booty Report

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Arrr! Trump be callin’ upon ol’ matey Navarro, his trusty trade parrot, fer counsel on makin’ doubloons!


Arrr, President-elect Trump be hoistin' his ol’ shipmate Peter Navarro aboard as chief counsel fer trade and makin’ stuff! This scallywag once danced with the law, doin’ time for givin' Congress the cold shoulder. Now he’s back to hoist those tariffs like a true buccaneer!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the cap'n of the political seas, President-elect Trump! On a fine Wednesday morn, he laid his hooks on a scallywag named Peter Navarro, who once found himself in Davy Jones' locker for four long moons, fer bein’ a cheeky matey and refusin’ to heed the call of Congress regarding that ruckus at the Capitol! A true piratical spirit, I tell ye!

This cunning navigator o' trade and manufacturing be now appointed as a senior counselor in the incoming White House crew. Aye, he be loyal as a parrot on a pirate's shoulder, ready to hoist the sails of tariffs and chart a course fer the grand plan laid out by the cap’n himself. Navarro be a familiar face from Trump’s first voyage in office, where he sailed the treacherous waters of trade advisin’, pilferin’ deals and settlin’ scores with rival nations.

So, brace yerselves, mateys, fer this be just the beginning of a grand adventure, where tariffs be flyin’ like cannonballs and the seas o’ commerce be churnin’! Yarrr, let the shenanigans commence as these sea dogs set forth to plunder the riches of trade!

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