The Booty Report

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Arrr! The FBI be shoutin' a dire warning, me hearties: cease yer textin' on those cursed devices, ye scallywags!


Arrr, mateys! The Foul Bureau of Investigation be shoutin' a warning! Textin' 'twixt Android and iPhone be like leavin' yer treasure chest wide open fer pirates! Use secure apps like WhatsApp, lest ye find yer secrets plundered by scallywags! Keep yer chatter tight, or risk the high seas o' hackery!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, for I bring tidings from the landlubbers at the FBI! Aye, they be warnin' all ye scallywags and mateys about the treacherous waters of textin' between them fancy Android contraptions and them iPhone gizmos. Ye see, 'tis a perilous affair, leavin' yer messages ripe for the plunderin' by nefarious hackers, lurking like buccaneers in the shadows!

So, what be a salty sea dog to do? Fear not, fer the FBI be suggestin' ye swap yer ordinary messages for the likes of secure, encrypted parley through apps like WhatsApp. Aye, use them devilish contraptions to keep yer secrets safe from the pryin' eyes of third parties! Sendin' a message be like sharin' a treasure map; ye wouldn't want just any scallywag layin' claim to yer riches, would ye? So, hoist the sails of caution and steer clear of them unsecured texts, lest ye find yer secrets scattered 'cross the seven seas!

In conclusion, me fellow sea dogs, take heed of this warning! Keep yer messages locked up tighter than a chest of gold doubloons and enjoy the smooth seas of secure communication. Yarrr!

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