The Booty Report

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Arrr, the mighty Bashar be toppled after 13 years of squabblin’, sinkin’ a dynasty like a leaky ship!


Arrr matey! President Assad be takin' a powder on Sunday, after nearly 14 years of tryin' to keep his ship afloat in a stormy sea o' civil war! Once a sprightly lad, now he be a scallywag scuttlin' off, leavin' behind a right mess fer others to clean! Har har har!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale o' the high seas of politics, where the captain o' Syria, Bashar Assad, has taken to his skiff and sailed off into the sunset! On a fine Sunday, he made his grand escape, leavin' behind a shipwreck of a nation that’s been caught in a fierce squall for nigh on fourteen years. Aye, this be no ordinary tempest, for it be a brutal civil war that’s turned the land into a battleground for scallywags from all corners of the globe!

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