The Booty Report

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"Trump be spoutin' of treasures on the moon, yet ne’er a whisper o’ the ship to sail! Har har!"


Arrr, the captain-elect be makin’ grand promises that’d make Davy Jones himself raise an eyebrow! But ye see, some scallywags worry his mighty swagger might turn his treasure map into a ghost ship! Aye, a fine pickle to be in, me hearty!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the jolly captain of the ship known as the presidency! Our newly elected captain be makin' grand promises that be taller than the tallest mast on the high seas. Aye, he be throwin' about pledges like a sailor tossin' his last biscuit to hungry seagulls!

But hold fast, ye loyal deckhands! Some of his crew be shiverin' in their boots, fearin' that the captain’s boldness could lead 'em straight into the treacherous waters of folly. They worry that his swagger might just lead to a shipwreck of grand designs, leavin' 'em stranded on the shores of disappointment!

With a tongue sharper than a cutlass, he be declarin' all manner of things, from treasure chests be overflowin’ to smoother seas for all. But can a captain truly steer such a mighty vessel through the storms of reality? Only time will tell if his ambitions can outshine his bravado, or if he’ll find himself in Davy Jones’ locker of unmet expectations.

So hoist the sails and keep a weather eye, for this be a voyage worth watchin’! Will he chart a course for glory or flounder like a fish outta water? Avast, let the winds of fate blow where they may!

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