The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scallywags on the left be hatin' on parents' crews, so they dub these mamas a band o' haters!


Arrr! The parent mateys be settin' their sights on transparency in the schools, so that they may keep a weather eye on the education their young'uns be receivin'. No politickin' or inappropriate learnin' for our wee lads and lasses!

Arrr, me hearties, the Southern Poverty Law Center has added a number of education-focused groups to its list of hate and anti-government groups. This be the second time the SPLC has merged these groups into one category, equating beliefs in limited federal government with being racist. Many of the parent groups added to the list formed during the COVID pandemic and focus on transparency in schools to ensure non-political and age-appropriate education. The SPLC is suggesting that groups focused on curriculum transparency are hate groups because opposing transparency is a losing issue. However, a poll shows that 84% of voters believe parents should be able to see all curriculum plans and materials used in their child’s school. It seems odd that the SPLC, known as a defender of vulnerable populations, is aggressive against groups in favor of transparency based on data. Democrats are actually more likely than Republicans to believe access to student curriculum is highly important, suggesting that concerns about what is happening inside schools are not limited to right-wing extremists. Attacks against curriculum transparency focus on it being a gateway to parents trying to influence what is taught in schools, but most Americans believe parents should have more input on what is taught in public schools. The SPLC seems to be taking on bipartisan issues to make headlines and inflame the far right while demonstrating to potential donors that it has the grit and know-how to take them down. Parents and voters must demand transparency from local schools to ensure an appropriate, inclusive, and quality education for all.

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