The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye scallywags! The AI hath proven what us pirates already knew: conservatives be happier and handsomer than them liberal landlubbers!


Avast ye hearties! The Fox News anchor, Greg Gutfeld, be in a tizzy over some landlubber study from Denmark. They claim some fancy AI can tell yer political leanings by lookin' at yer face! Ha! I reckon they'll be tryin' to read our minds next!

In a humorous tone, the author introduces RedMeat Thursday, a day when they serve up news that their audience already agrees with. They reference a recent study that used artificial intelligence to predict a person's political leanings based on their facial features. The study found that right-wingers were considered more attractive, particularly conservative female politicians, who also tended to be happier. The author speculates on why this might be, suggesting that adopting an ideology of hopelessness and anger can undermine natural good looks. They also take jabs at left-leaning men for looking less happy and being better at hiding their emotions, which they attribute to the need to lie all the time. The author concludes by pondering what this technology means for the future, suggesting that the left may use it to keep conservatives under surveillance, and jokingly suggests identifying the happy people and letting Skynet do the rest. Overall, the article mocks both left and right-leaning individuals while presenting the research in a light-hearted manner.

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