The Booty Report

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Avast ye! The lost Titan submersible has been found! Behold the ships that aided our desperate quest!


Avast ye! The hunt for the lost Titanic tourist contraption lasted near a week, with many a crew from varied lands utilizin' advanced vessels and equipment. Arr, what a sight to behold!

Ahoy mateys! The U.S. Coast Guard has discovered that a debris field found near the Titanic wreckage was from a submersible's catastrophic implosion that killed all five men aboard. This discovery has concluded the search for the missing Titan submersible that lost contact with its surface ship after descending to the Titanic. The loss of contact sparked an international rescue operation to locate the vessel before air supply levels were expected to run out.

Several vessels and equipment were involved in the search efforts, including the Canadian vessel Horizon Arctic, which deployed remotely operated vehicles to reach the sea floor and began its search. The French vessel L'Atalante also contributed to the search by deploying Victor 6000, an ROV. TechnipFMC sent one of its pipelay vessels, the Deep Energy, to aid the rescue mission. HMCS Glace Bay, a Canadian Navy defense vessel, provided a medical team specializing in dive medicine and a six-person mobile hyperbaric recompression chamber. The Canadian Coast Guard vessel CCGS John Cabot, which has sonar capabilities, arrived on scene Wednesday. Pelagic Research Services' Odysseus 6K ROV was also used to assist with the search, and it found a debris field in the search area for OceanGate's missing Titan submersible near the Titanic. Finally, the Victor 6000, an unmanned French robot, which can dive up to nearly 20,000 feet, beyond the level of the Titanic wreckage, was also used to aid the search. Although it has arms that can be remotely controlled to cut cables or otherwise release a stuck vessel, it does not have the capability of lifting the vessel on its own. That's the end of the story, me hearties!

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