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"Arr, Modi's swashbucklin' voyages be givin' him a proper shine back home in India!"


Arrr! Me hearties, the cap'n of India be makin' a grand speech abroad, makin' connections with other countries and showin' off his own importance on the world stage. Aye, he be a smart one, that cap'n!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The big boss in India, known as the prime minister, is making quite the fuss about his fancy reception with other world leaders. He's using this occasion to show off how powerful and important his country is becoming.

Now, ye might be thinkin', "what's the big deal?" But let me tell ye, it's no easy feat to be recognized as a major player on the global stage. The prime minister is baskin' in the glory of his country's rise to prominence, and he's makin' sure everyone knows it.

The way I see it, this prime minister is like a captain of a ship, sailin' across the seas and makin' alliances with other captains. He's showin' off his flag and talkin' up his crew, all to make sure other captains respect him and his ship.

And let's not forget the fact that this prime minister is representing his whole country, not just himself. So, it's important that he makes a good impression and shows that his country is a force to be reckoned with.

So, to all me hearties in India, be proud of yer prime minister and the country's growin' influence on the world stage. And to all ye landlubbers out there, watch out for India, because they're comin' in hot! Arrr!

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