The Booty Report

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Arr, me hearties! Behold, the tale of 'The Flash'! Aye, witness the secrets of this scene's anatomy!


Arrr, the cap'n Andy Muschietti spins a tale of the scallywag Ezra Miller! Listen, ye scurvy dogs, for a grand adventure awaits!

Avast, me hearties! Gather round and listen well, for I have a tale to spin ye about the director Andy Muschietti and the actor Ezra Miller.

Muschietti, he be the man who directed the spine-tingling tale of a clown called Pennywise in the movie "It." And Miller, well he be the lad who played the lightning-fast superhero The Flash.

Now, Muschietti was telling a tale about Miller in a recent interview, and it be a funny one indeed. He said that Miller was supposed to do a scene where he had to move at lightning speed, but the lad didn't quite get the hang of it.

"He was running in place and it didn't quite work," Muschietti chuckled. "So we had to put him on a treadmill."

Arrr, ye can imagine the sight of that, can't ye? A pirate like meself can just picture the lad running like a hamster on a wheel, trying his best to look like he be moving at the speed of lightning.

But in the end, the scene turned out just fine. Miller looked like the blur of lightning that he was supposed to be, and Muschietti got the shot he wanted.

So there ye have it, me hearties. A little tale of Hollywood hijinks and a lad who had to run on a treadmill to save the day. Until next time, may the winds be at yer back and the rum in yer cup!

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