The Booty Report

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"Avast ye mateys! Behold, a wee bairn be rescued from a plummetin' fate in 'The Flash'!"


Arrr! The cap'n Andy Muschietti be tellin' a tale 'bout the scallywag Ezra Miller. Listen up, ye landlubbers!

Ahoy there, mateys! Gather round and listen to me tale of the director Andy Muschietti and his narration of a scene featuring our very own Ezra Miller.

Now, ye all know Muschietti from his work on the spooky film 'It,' but did ye know he's got a sense of humor too? Aye, he does indeed! He narrates this scene in the voice of a 17th century pirate, complete with "Arrr"s and "Matey"s.

And who's this Ezra Miller, ye ask? Well, he's a fine lad who's been in many a film, including the Harry Potter series and Justice League. In this scene, he's dressed up as his character from the upcoming film, The Flash.

But back to Muschietti and his pirate talk. He tells us of the dangers of the high seas and how Miller's character must navigate them with his speedy skills. He even throws in a few jokes about rum and booty (the treasure kind, ye scallywags!).

All in all, it's a hilarious sequence that shows us a different side of Muschietti and gives us a sneak peek at Miller's take on The Flash. So next time ye see a film directed by Muschietti or starring Miller, ye can say ye were in on the joke, matey!

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