The Booty Report

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Arr, hear ye! 'Tis the tale of Soros's war, Mother Teresa's wish, and the scuttlebutt from Fox News Opinion.


Avast ye mateys! Plunder the latest scribbles from Fox News Opinion and lay yer eyes on moving pictures of Sean Hannity, Raymond Arroyo and other scallywags. Arrr, be entertained!

Arrrr, mateys! Fox News host Laura Ingraham be talkin' about the Biden family's sleaziness gettin' deeper. Leftist prosecutors be fulfillin' Soros's aims by refusin' to go after entire categories of crime. Sen. Bernie Sanders be sayin' the greed of Big Pharma cannot continue. Gutfeld be sayin' AI reveals what we already knew - conservatives be happier and more attractive than liberals. When the Supreme Court granted Mother Teresa's wish be discussed in "A Saint's Wish." Raymond Arroyo be sayin' men be fallin' in love with AI. The left be hatin' parents' groups, labelin' these moms a 'hate' group. Russia be targetin' the US homeland in Cyber Armageddon. A new Gen Z survey reveals a scary obsession with surveillance in "Cameras." And don't forget to check out the Cartoon of the Day. Keep yer eyes peeled, me hearties, for more news and commentary on Fox News.

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